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年份: 2024

主演: コムアイ 东出昌大 井浦新 有森也实 杉田雷麟 田中丽奈 田中要次 田口智朗 竹中直人 芋生悠 门胁麦




《犯罪心理:穿越国界 Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders》为《犯罪心理》的衍生剧,主要围绕FBI探员如何帮助国外居住的美国公民解决问题而展开。Gary Sinise:饰演Jack Garrett,在FBI待了20年,刚刚被指派负责这个部门。Tyler James Williams:饰演队中的技术分析员Monty,是个讨喜而又聪明的角色,平常在家工作,他对陷入困境的家庭以事无巨细的方式处理,协助队伍找到被遗留的线索,以及找到远在海外的真凶。Daniel Henney:Matt Simmons,不仅是一位在国外长大的军人还是一个居家好男人,喜欢探索和融入不同的文化,最重要的是他的侧写能力对整个团队致为关键。
Matt, a headstrong widower, is the owner of a classic car workshop. However, when Matt's separated daughter and teenage children arrive at his house, the true story begins.
COPY A bangkok 制作 发布13人出演阵容
落魄士族女罗令妤(林允 饰)携妹去投靠表亲,却在途中意外与陆家三公子陆昀(方逸伦 饰)因误会结怨。之后,罗令妤努力创立了自己的事业,并帮助陆昀化解了重重危机,改变了陆昀对她的误解。二人在困境中携手共进,最终收获幸福。  该剧改编自伊人睽睽的小说《怎敌她千娇百媚》。
Licalsi is found guilty of the manslaughter of Marino and his driver and is given a two year sentence. Because of his involvement with Licalsi, and the belief that he withheld evidence that could have given her a longer sentence, Kelly is transferred out of the 15th and chooses to leave the department altogether. He is replaced by Bobby Simone, a widower whose previous job was that of driver for the Police Commissioner. This does not sit well with Sipowicz but in time he learns to accept his new partner and, as his relationship with Sylvia leads down the aisle, asks Simone to be his best man.   After an affair with a journalist who uses information that he gives her in an article, Simone begins a relationship with another new officer in the squad, Diane Russell. Sipowicz, still a recovering alcoholic, recognizes in Russell's behavior that she also has a problem and, after much prompting, she herself goes to AA. Elsewhere, due to his lack of self-belief that a woman like Donna could love him, Medavoy's relationship with her breaks down, due in no small part to Donna's visiting sister.
Each week viewers see the gritty reality of life in a New York City Police unit as the officers go about their work with a grim determination. Two partners, Detectives Andy Sipowicz and John Kelley (later replaced by Bobby Simone), are the central characters in this weekly police drama, and personify very different approaches to their difficult job. Sipowicz's brash gruffness (covering an emotional vulnerability) is tempered by the precise and controlled demeanor of the two partners with whom he has worked.
改编自快看漫画《不可爱的TA》。   时尚杂志副主编夏安然(郑水晶 饰),工作上力求主编之位,筹备新版块时,因对生活浪漫元素无感而在与神秘甜品师路易斯林合作上遇阻。此时林昊(邓泽鸣 饰)自称邻家弟入住,打破其生活节奏。夏安然发现林昊就是路易斯林后,开启借住换采访的互动。期间丁哲威(曾乙同 饰)的介入引发情感波澜,采访波折职场纷争不断,夏安然事业受挫。林昊带她散心,告白虽被拒,但用烘焙助其解压。感情升温时误会突生,林昊搬离。之后两人解开心结,夏安然助力杂志社渡危机升任主编,还知晓林昊诸多秘密,成功告白走到一起。但他们在事业与爱情的道路上,还会面临怎样未知的挑战?
The detectives investigate a multiple homicide at a fast food restaurant; an addict gives his baby daughter to a drug dealer as collateral on an overdue loan; Internal Affairs reopens the Kirkendall case.
In the fourth season of this award-winning show, the action at New York City's 15th Precinct is as hectic as ever. While Lieutenant Fancy continues as precinct commander, Detective Andy Sipowicz, although still a bit rough around the edges, has mellowed with the birth of his son. Detective Bobby Simone and Detective Diane Russell take the next step in their relationship, James Martinez becomes the Squad Delegate, and Greg Meadavoy considers becoming a surrogate father. But one thing that hasn't changed is the squad's determination to make sure the bad guys get their day in court and to also attempt to maintain a touch of normalcy in their personal lives even as they investigate cases that often put them directly in the line of fire.