记录华尔街有史以来最大的商业丑闻,揭露一群绝顶聪明的高阶经理人,如何将美国第七大企业搞挂,轻轻松松卷走十亿美金,让投资人血本无归,上万员工失去工作。 本片根据安隆事件畅销书The Smartest Guys in the Room摄制,运用访谈画面、录音、企业内部数据制作而成,甚至揭露布什家族可能涉案的内幕。安隆案影响甚巨,不仅使全球五大会计师事务所之一的安达信(Arthur Andersen LLP)被美国证期会吊销执照,也让国际知名的麦肯锡顾问公司重伤五内,更让所有商学院洗心革面,在高喊利润至上之外,重新向MBA学生传授「伦理与道德」。 全球各大企业也把「公司治理」捧上天,希望能够赢回投资人的信任。但安隆风暴尚未结案,高潮将可能再度袭卷华尔街…
The abandoned castles of Europe are magnificent markers of the continent's tempestuous history, but where they once hosted royalty, these empty, hulking structures are now overtaken by the wildlife and rich natural environments flourishing around them. From the exquisite brown bears and aquatic salamanders of Predjama Castle, to the Neuschwanstein Castle that inspired the ficti...
Using archival footage and dramatic re-enactments, this documentary deals with the immediate aftermath of the 1918 armistice that brought World War I to an end. From January to July 1919, the Paris Peace Conference dealt not only with issues related to Germany but with the thorny issue of national boundaries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. From this conference emerged Yugo...